@gettothefront any sign of a London date? in reply to gettothefront 10:15:46, 2012-09-03 Words I never thought I'd read "Waltham Forest a hotbed of extremism" … 11:41:30, 2012-09-03 #nowplaying Madman Is Absolute – Compliance Is Compulsory Cracker of an EP, are these guys still on the go? 15:37:17, 2012-09-03 @twhyntie saw this and all I… Read More
Category: Twitter
Tweets from 2012-08-31
RT @cohendave: A horse walks into a bar. Four faults. 12:24:53, 2012-08-31 @stereoboard Please add the point that he has admitted to trying to misleading the police with the "graffiti" (see vid in Giardian article) in reply to stereoboard 16:49:11, 2012-08-31
Tweets from 2012-08-30
@JS_tone No worries young 'un, waiting on stuff from someone else, who will remain nameless (for the moment) in reply to JS_tone 08:30:44, 2012-08-30 @JS_tone she's been pretty sneaky too, you could even say crafty … in reply to JS_tone 10:22:12, 2012-08-30 @cineworld There is a chance that my unlimited account has a long dead… Read More
Tweets from 2012-08-29
RT @AtTheDriveIn: Thank you to all our fans for making our London Brixton show so special !! Love @AtTheDriveIn http://t.co/PQpqKk2G 09:50:02, 2012-08-29
Tweets from 2012-08-28
RT @NowGamer_Feed: Win the To-Fu Collection on 3DS! RT and follow to enter, closes at 4pm today, UK-only. #gameaday 09:23:49, 2012-08-28 RT @ElliottBinks: I'm doing an article on the reach of Twitter. Can you please RETWEET this tweet if you see it so I can see how far it … 10:42:58, 2012-08-28 Have mine but… Read More
Tweets from 2012-08-27
RT @gmcalpin: Who uses paper.li? What the heck is the point besides spamming people with mentions? 17:01:36, 2012-08-27
Tweets from 2012-08-25
@JS_tone Yeah but you didn't come to the last one http://t.co/aPV3bTMo in reply to JS_tone 11:35:21, 2012-08-25 @JS_tone Sadly not the evening that's from about midday to 9pm (it was a Saturday) in reply to JS_tone 11:43:23, 2012-08-25 RT @daraobriain: Ah, Neil Armstrong has died. Sad news for all lovers of space, adventure and the… Read More
Tweets from 2012-08-24
Saw 2 great shows today at #edfringe @NinjaSpeak & @richardpurnell almost the end of both runs! 17:05:31, 2012-08-24 RT @TheAVClub: R.I.P. Jerry Nelson, the soul of The Muppets. http://t.co/SjJu3vTx 17:13:21, 2012-08-24 My 2st thought when I saw the news 🙁 RT: @edyong209: Christ. Yesterday, in the Onion: http://t.co/2gAavxIv Today: http://t.co/ejopJFKV 17:34:22, 2012-08-24 Train in York… Read More
Tweets from 2012-08-23
Having lunch with Peter #Higgs (yes that one), John Ellis and Jim Virdee, a little pleased with myself 🙂 13:25:19, 2012-08-23 @lallaballoo cheeky … in reply to lallaballoo 20:21:02, 2012-08-23 @lallaballoo Yes but I wasn't expecting it to be that blatant 😉 in reply to lallaballoo 22:44:22, 2012-08-23
Tweets from 2012-08-20
RT @alchemist_cafe: Did you know we have a newsletter? Or that the next one is out tomorrow? No? Well get signed up! http://t.co/PuWw6K9W 11:26:11, 2012-08-20
Tweets from 2012-08-13
RT @tweetsauce: NASA has used less money in its ENTIRE EXISTENCE than the US military used in 2010 alone –> http://t.co/LQHVSVfq via … 10:53:25, 2012-08-13
Tweets from 2012-08-12
Today is gig #52 for me this year, and the 1st year I have broken 52 (actually smashed it, it's still only August!) 17:59:05, 2012-08-12 @fromthebigface Will try but ~16 already planned before the end of the year http://t.co/ZFlXMS7P in reply to fromthebigface 18:14:31, 2012-08-12 @fromthebigface Only @refusedband & @pettybonenews 🙂 in reply to fromthebigface… Read More