Tweets from 2012-07-27

Absolutely no comment -> 09:55:51, 2012-07-27 Some of the @howstuffworks content is great but when split across ten small pages it gets irritating to read, no "entire article" option? 10:36:21, 2012-07-27 #nowplaying Three Trapped Tigers – Route One Or Die great little album 11:44:19, 2012-07-27 RT @alchemist_cafe: It has been 8 years since… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-26

@JS_tone don't worry I plan to be at Dinos to take photos and help with @lallaballoo's twitter competition in reply to JS_tone 11:17:44, 2012-07-26 @lallaballoo @js_tone Ooh fancy, does @DrinkShopDo have WiFi? If so my tablet could be worth bringing too! in reply to lallaballoo 11:38:48, 2012-07-26 @fromthebigface You may be able to get cheaper… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-25

Wait are @pettybonenews supporting @refusedband on the 12th of August as well as the 13th? 09:23:19, 2012-07-25 #nowplaying @pettybonenews – From Desperate Times Comes Radical Minds. Just found out they're splitting up ๐Ÿ™ Play a proper final show 09:29:20, 2012-07-25 @SpaceKangaroo Tell me that link did not send me to a page with an auto… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-24

RT @robdelaney: .@NRA You havenโ€™t tweeted in a few days. Whatโ€™s up? 08:46:08, 2012-07-24 @fromthebigface You not coming to Pig Destroyer in London that night? Not pushed about manson/zombie in reply to fromthebigface 10:53:36, 2012-07-24 1st they came for Assange … 10:55:29, 2012-07-24 @fromthebigface if you fly into London you can stay with… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-23

RT @earthtone9: Folks – we are at 99% of pledge target. If just THREE more people buy the album, we will hit 100%. COME ON. ๐Ÿ™‚ 10:44:38, 2012-07-23 @fromthebigface what are your plans for Damnation? Hotel booked? Email details! 15:26:03, 2012-07-23

Tweets from 2012-07-21

RT @AbiePB: RT @IsCool: In 1 year, GUNS killed 35 in Australia, 39 in England & Wales, 194 in Germany, 200 in Canada & 9,484 … 18:36:07, 2012-07-21 RT @TrueCrimeDiary: Less people died by gun in an entire year in Japan than in one movie theater today in Colorado. 18:45:11, 2012-07-21

Tweets from 2012-07-19

@dillingerescpln DEP should so cover Rainbow Connection (or Moving Right Along in reply to dillingerescpln 08:42:00, 2012-07-19 RT: @earthtone9: 11% to go – 13 days left = PLEDGE PEOPLE!! we wanna bring it, we need some help! 09:50:03, 2012-07-19 RT @BitterRuin: Dates for your diary London! 3rd & 4th October! 19:57:53, 2012-07-19

Tweets from 2012-07-20

RT @twhyntie: Final thought: @bengoldacre and @slsingh's views on waste in PE make perfect sense once you understand they're private sec … 10:14:59, 2012-07-20 That's pretty sweet, more details on onine? MT: @Shiv_L: Anyone else spotted that you can watch Olympics coverage for free in @cineworld? 15:28:54, 2012-07-20 It's raining again, I thought to day… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-09

@okoeroo a) did you just link a dead webpage and b) is its death worth noting by EGI? # @sciencemuseum someone on PSCIcom is asking about the model diamond from 1998 # @gmcalpin Not what I'd say about people who use stock buds, but my comment is not suitable for polite company (i.e. get… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-08

@elwell2000 Well we didn't understand the last time so I suppose he's trying again … # @cheeky_p @pulseproject I use @ecotricity, no complaints and good for the conscience ๐Ÿ™‚ # Anyone have any details/stage times for the @BlackImpulses show with @pettybonenews at @ShacklewellArms tonight? #

Tweets from 2012-07-07

This is not a spoof -> # @geowriter apparently not, that was not what I expected from CoE, are they trying to out do the American nutters? # @JS_tone OK DG is nw sold out and only 2 men's stand-by available ๐Ÿ™‚ #