On the Emily White/NPR intern thing, I too have ~11,000 songs but I paid for all of them (some more than once, some more than twice) # Of interest to @e_scitalk? MT: @nikosloutas: Want to know more about the #semanticweb Join @derigalway tutorial! http://t.co/QHwoAHDb # Ooh @imascientist is tackling GM food and is open to… Read More
Category: Twitter
Tweets from 2012-06-19
@traylenator @elwell2000 you two seen the Real Time Monitor anywhere on a public screen at CERN? Any idea who is in charge of it? #
Tweets from 2012-06-15
@pixievondust the @e_scitalk project are investigating @NewWorldGrid (open source SL) to extend products like Grid Cafe http://t.co/f9qhHrIR # @JS_tone To be fair your kids can buy their own god damn Pizza Hut by now surely? The eye test should be free from work as you use a VDU # @JS_tone 7 # @lallaballoo surely the… Read More
Tweets from 2012-06-14
@fromthebigface It was amazing, however I have been sick as a dog since with flu, still recovering, you had a goo weekend? # @fromthebigface think it's unrelated to the festival, Soundgarden was good IMO, sound was bad, Chris was in good voice # @fromthebigface that should say "don't think it's festival related" # @benstill hopefully… Read More
Tweets from 2012-06-14
Why does the @OfficialRandL bio for @Pettybonenews use the twitter feed for @pettybone_band?http://t.co/JeAUY5iK # Are @pettybonenews playing at a @BlackImpulses all dayer on the 8th of July at @ShacklewellArms? # @earthtone9 so when/where is the tour? # @earthtone9 *shakes fist* #
Tweets from 2012-06-14
Why does the @OfficialRandL bio for @Pettybonenews use the twitter feed for @pettybone_band?http://t.co/JeAUY5iK # Are @pettybonenews playing at a @BlackImpulses all dayer on the 8th of July at @ShacklewellArms? # @earthtone9 so when/where is the tour? # @earthtone9 *shakes fist* #
Tweets from 2012-06-12
Coca Cola promoting excessive surveillance -> http://t.co/Cu9jWKDq # @JS_tone Class or what? Only 10 males left actually, bit of a pick up over weekend # @JS_tone Class is so not an Irish-ism (is it?) it means very good i.e. "That is class" -> "That is very good" # @JS_tone @lallaballoo let me check, kind of… Read More
Tweets from 2012-06-10
. @blogtackular @millarmind @RobbyKetchell maybe @elwell2000 or @traylenator could help? # S104 "The Voice" on the entrance was almost worth the ticket price at #DL2012 🙂 #
Tweets from 2012-06-08
This is how you reboot X-Men http://t.co/Eq5aT5cv # Either I move to Glasgow or WTMS moves to London, suppose they better get packing RT: @monkeysleeps: http://t.co/K6QRJDSn # @monkeysleeps It'll be a squeeze, but yeah, sure bring down the Zillah lot too and we can have a BBQ party in the courtyard # Do I won't… Read More
Tweets from 2012-06-07
I suppose @JS-tone would like to know this RT: @gettothefront: Muse London – £47.50 and £55.00 – Onsale Next Week – http://t.co/JCrWIyg1 # @JS_tone OK I just applied for tickets for the Friday night, if you're lucky I'll let you in on one of my tips for these things 😉 # @JS_tone Sarah is a… Read More
Tweets from 2012-06-06
Face Value @RealTenaciousD ticket for tonight on offer #twickets #tickets @Scarletmist #help # Just realised this was exactly 2 years ago (and happen to be wearing the t-shirt) http://t.co/IzRPg3Ig # @JS_tone @benstill and dubstep shit apparently, though I never liked them (Muse that is) # @JS_tone @benstill Yet have still seen 'em live twice :-/… Read More
Tweets from 2012-06-04
@fromthebigface Dun Laoghaire or Howth IMO # @saigamusic Good 🙂 # @saigamusic Yeah don't do Facebook, you can link FB and Twitter accounts so all status posts are posted to twitter # This is ridiculous, closed on Bank Holidays? RT: @BrixtonVillage: We are unfortunately closed today and Tuesday. #