Tweets from 2012-05-18

@earthtone9 You guys playing @downloadfest? # @earthtone9 Same here only have a day ticket and you got my hopes up that you might be playing Sunday *shakes fist* # Sad question but does @The_Chapel_Bar have free WiFi? # @JS_tone balls # @JS_tone It would be useful for checking in attendees instead of relying on my… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-16

@blogtackular @heidifphoto get pregnant and choose your own playlist for your labour? # @blogtackular @heidifphoto That boat has well and truly sailed a long time ago # Ed Parsons' definition/description of cloud at the EVO meeting today was of a grid # Did I just buy a ticket for @megadeth at @eballroomcamden for face value?… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-15

@AgnesJ you at #scicom12 this year? If so come find me, if not drop The Lalloo an email # Apparently they do have a UK office #fail RT @neasan: The company that develops citizen science projects is @Vizzuality #SciCom12 # @Rick_Hall if you didn't go to the following session the people responsible would like to… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-14

From #MorrowFest yesterday to #SciCom12 today/tomorrow, slightly different events, guess #Labrat won't be playing this one though # @geowriter @jjsanderson You haven't? For shame Ms. Day … # Woo Hoo Okami mentioned at #SciCom12 I'm in the middle of playing its sequel Okamiden on the DS # Oops @vizzuality is not based in the UK… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-13

I'm at @rock_city_notts for #Morrowfest but more specifically #labrat it's been a long wait since that canceled Dublin show MANY years ago # Well that went well #labrat #Morrowfest, @xives still has it too, up next The Sontaran Experiment love Catten's shit even The Dark Half # @tattybenedict @TootingTram @Scroobiuspipyo spoken word set or him… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-11

Hester had a great night too 🙂 RT: @BillBailey: Thanks Hester..last gig at LST before the Scotland+North dates. See you in Shetland # @michel_egi #egtf12 just like #egicf12 but with a T 😉 # @michel_egi 21st of May, just over a week 🙂 #

Tweets from 2012-05-10

@geowriter @JS_tone Exiting? You won't be that bad 😉 # @geowriter @JS_tone Mr Bailey is entertaining me tonight, he'll mostly be peddling qualms # @geowriter 24th o' June you say? Will pencil it in (I know I always say that) # @geowriter ta da # @geowriter I did add it myself (easiest way to… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-08

Tickets booked for @gojiramusic at @O2Islington 🙂 # @blogtackular Good to have you over see in a few weeks anyway # I work from home so @CITYLINK could deliver a parcel and despite finding my flat previously with the same parcel they couldn't today #idiots #