Tweets from 2012-05-07

@Scroobiuspipyo Love Smash but prefer Ignition (and they're playing Ignition start to finish in Shepherds Bush Empire in June) # @Scroobiuspipyo I will test your theory during the week and relive my youth … # @CASK_PUB_SW1 open for lunch (albeit a late one) today? # Not a veggie by any stretch of the imagination but… Read More

Tweets from 2012-05-06

A friend's breakfast at Kennington Lane Cafe -> pity I missed it 🙁 # Is @BrixtonVillage open late tonight or are the market owners stupid and it's closed at 5 as normal on a Sunday? # @honestburgers normal Sunday closing times tonight? #

Tweets from 2012-05-02

Why I'm happy we use @ecotricity as our energy supplier 🙂 # MT: @stereoboard: Bruce Dickinson (from @ironmaiden) Creates 1000 New Jobs In South Wales # Mind boggling RT: @bengoldacre: And then the Daily Mail came out in support of the tobacco lobby. RT @TransformDrugs: # Got tickets for @offpsring on June… Read More

Tweets from 2012-04-30

Hmmm @offspring are playing @o2sbe June 5th and 6th? May make it to one and relive my youth 🙂 # @blogtackular I've seen 'em since and they were pretty good to be fair # @blogtackular Don't get me started … setlist could also be interesting, new album won't be out but Ignition is 20 years… Read More

Tweets from 2012-04-26

More importantly for @flamelauthor fans MT: @RogerHighfield: a real Nicholas Flamel tome in @sciencemuseum's # @gabegtny actual ad the "Your wall or mine" "Paste Up" is about (was on your 2nd tour on the 21st in NY) # Shots from New York, 99% of them are graffiti but I like 'em # Dear… Read More

Tweets from 2012-04-25

So both Charger and Regimes have pulled out of Morrowfest and Labrat are playing London anyway WTF! # Brilliant ain't seen Eddie live in years, better be some UK dates 🙂 MT: @eddieizzard: FORCE MAJEURE is my new 2013 show # Listening to @ATR_Official's "Riot In Japan" when are they going to announce the UK… Read More