Tweets from 2012-04-01

Think I'm going to Morrowfest, with Labrat, Charger, Sontaran Experiment and Regimes playing it would be impolite to not attend # @crooksmate thanks, see Gareth tomorrow will pester him, could do with another 'Horn show to add to the other 18 πŸ™‚ #

Tweets from 2012-03-30

@JS_tone You Got Mail! Not an invitation to watch a poorly constructed AOL ad marketed as a Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks film, more a statement πŸ™‚ # @JS_tone πŸ˜‰ # @JS_tone Never been accused of being cute and fluffy πŸ˜‰ # "Olympicene"? Taking the piss! RT: @lallaballoo: Ooh Chemistry in the Olympics. I like.… Read More

Tweets from 2012-03-29

So Sonisphere has been cancelled, does that mean more headline gigs in London around then? # @crooksmate Sauce? I have heard nothing from Kev or Gareth and Victims have just embarked on a pretty hefty tour # Labrat have reformed but only to play Morrowfest, don't think I can make it πŸ™ #

Tweets from 2012-03-27

@nimp0 nah #quality Vs #quantity or even #relevance Vs #irrelevance etc etc etc # @e_scitalk well no as the champion at QMUL is Chris… # Wendy Barnaby: The public will think about your science in a headline way and see things in a broader context #egicf12 #

Tweets from 2012-03-23

@JS_tone What you talking about Willis? The tweet clearly says Wed (now) :-/ # @michel_egi possibly but don't know when I'm back in Amsterdam, drop me a mail # @IET_MMC @IETEvents is the video from last night's Kelvin Lecture working? Having complaints it sticks at ~27mins but can't test #

Tweets from 2012-03-22

@geowriter I'd comment in a humorous manner but might get banned from the U.S. :-/ # @IETEvents website for Kelvin lecture broken? Left hand column which usually has social media stuff # The Beatles "remix" album Love is genuinely brilliant! # I love Eleanor Rigby / Julia (Transition) by The Beatles –… Read More

Tweets from 2012-03-21

@gettothefront Isn't Yellow Submarine a re-re-release? I have the VHS and Soundtrack from 1999 # @SpaceKangaroo Or as he is known in the UK Alan Who? # @SpaceKangaroo Do we use bathetic in a sentence? Seriously? # @SpaceKangaroo I opine that the utilisation of recondite terms is sesquipedalian but (1/2) # @SpaceKangaroo as an antipodean… Read More