Why does my iPod think there are only 11 tracks in Minor Threat's "Complete Discography"? Archive check when I get home! # @ALEC_EMPIRE live @ATR_official album? Bring it on 🙂 # What time does the @wilw Vs @paulandstorm show @TheTripleDoor kick off at tonight? #
Category: Twitter
Tweets from 2011-11-16
@DarkestEra Can only imagine, try a small London(ish) tour venues to break the duck like @WindmillBrixton, @screamstudios and Kingston Peel? # @npch I wanted to go there for drinks tonight, bloody overruled, looks good 🙁 #
Tweets from 2011-11-14
Just had dinner at a Seattle institution, @dicksdriveins, however I did not have a fist sized ice cream cone but did see a QFC earlier 😉 #
Tweets from 2011-11-13
Did I say I was going to all 7 dates on the @presidentsrock Euro tour? I meant 8, they added Eindhoven the tricksy litte Americans 😀 #
Tweets from 2011-11-11
#BlackSabbath are back, #StoneRoses can piss off # Hey @steftothef you doing the 8 @presidentsrock dates? So am I if you want a hand with logistics, also I'm in Seattle next week actually # Hey @amy_geek & @grantimahara check out Nerdy Day Trips -> http://t.co/EJWbctiR from @JoBrodie, @BenGoldacre, @applecado and @aaronrudd #
Tweets from 2011-11-10
@blogtackular Vicar St 17th of March on Ticketmaster.ie on sale TOMORROW at 9am # @blogtackular Ticketmaster.ie says "on sale:Thu 10/11/11 09:00" my twitter app playing up here :-/ # @jasonfinn Only 6 dates in the @therealpusa UK/Ire tour? Can do all of them, might make the Dutch date too. Drinks in Seattle next week? 😉… Read More
Tweets from 2011-11-09
OMIGOD! This fan boy will be at a few of these MT @gettothefront: @presidentsrock perform S/T album on UK tour Mar 2012 # @blogtackular The spread of dates so far (8th, 11th and 16th) suggests a good tour. With Irish date(s)? #
Tweets from 2011-11-08
Barely back in the UK 15 mins and already booked tickets for @BillBailey's show in @O2sbe 🙂 #
Tweets from 2011-11-03
Oh yeah, full fry in the Kennington Lane Cafe is definitely the way to start a trip home 🙂 #
Tweets from 2011-11-02
@hvthomson Ugh Benito's Hat was disappointing when I ate there, Tortilla is where it is at for burritos in London #
Tweets from 2011-11-01
@H_Fl Cool, DM your gmail address # @CristyBurne Oi Byrne its grid not GRID, you got an immunodeficiency disease or something? # Apparently I've been busy, 4 videos filmed (http://t.co/ZEUrQaGG) and 2 news stories published (http://t.co/eXIZd1UD) this week # This is a bit crazy to ber honest MT: @donttrythis: Here's something amazing: a conspiracy theory… Read More
Tweets from 2011-10-31
What the hell is "Berry Research"? MT: @edyong209: OK this is taking the piss RT @oh_henry http://t.co/NWfvJORH # @davidoca Now that sounds like my kind of journal … # I gots #googlemusic invites who wants? # I hate beginnings can never get the bloody things right # Proof that the Earl should not be in… Read More