Gig Review – Primordial, Underworld, 2nd of February 2008

Mael Mordha
Grand Magus

This should have been titled as Primordial Fuck Shit Up And Are 100 Times Better Than Your Band but it wasn’t. Having released To The Nameless Dead at the tail of last year and fresh from having just laid waste to the Button Factory (formerly TBMC) in Dublin it was London’s turn.

To my great dishonour I missed Mael Mordha, I’ve gone off them a bit since they publicly bad mouthed a friend of mine so fuck ’em.

I saw most fo Grand Magus’s set and it was good hard rock/metal nowt to write home about in my opinion but solid. During their set I familiarised myself with the merch stall run by Sentinel from Dublin and picked up a Primordial t-shirt, their last CD (The Gathering Wilderness) and the new Scald EP (Fluke, genius). I tossed my stuff in the cloakroom and went to await the coming devastation.

If you have not heard To The Nameless Dead stop reading this leave wherever you are and buy it …. OK done that? Good. It is a brilliant record which I have said before on here but is just so atmospheric and well crafted. The show in Dublin for the launch was an all Irish affair (Graveyard Dirt and For Ruin in support) and was sold out. Read that again a soldout all Irish metal bill that is about 700 people jammed in to the old TBMC and was according to all reports a blinding show that could mark a change in the Irish scene?

Tonight was no different from the moment they walked (no theatrics here) till they sauntered off it was a sight to behold as Alan stalked the stage, getting the crowd worked up and trying to not show the sheer joy on his face the crowd sang along with every single word. Highlights include The Coffin Ships and As Rome Burns with the whole crowd singing the chorus/refrain. This was another sold out show with a two-thirds Irish bill in Albion. This could be a sign, just hope they get back soon and include us in an European tour they do. No compromise, not then, not now, not ever.


  1. Empire Falls
  2. Gallows Hymn
  3. The Golden Spiral
  4. Autumnâ??s Ablaze
  5. As Rome Burns
  6. Sons Of The Morrigan
  7. Song Of The Tomb
  8. The Coffin Ships
  9. Heathen Tribes
  10. Gods To The Godless

Photos here.

Later days,


  1. Oh you… goin off MM cos they said mean things about me… you really do care 🙂

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