Tweets from 2012-07-06

@geowriter HARIBO!!!!! # OK from the 8th to the 15th (inclusive) I have 6 gigs, think I need to find some gigs on the 9th and 14th, make it 8 in a row 🙂 # @JS_tone there is one boy ticket left still, bloody men # @tom_wells101 you're in India?! thought we hadn't seen you… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-05

Just to comment, and not very elequently, on last night: Mr Albarn? Dr Dee? Piss off # Blogpost promoting science funding by denigrating arts funding and foreign aid – Well done sir! *face palm* # Olympics cost twice what the LHC cost in total so better be a big boost! MT: @2012GovPress: PM: #London2012… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-04

#higgs talks are a fascinating look at how science is done & announced in a community, but still people bitch that it's not "slick" enough # If a community allows you to eavesdrop on it presenting world changing results don't complain when they don't pander to you #higgs # Picked up tickets for @3TrappedTigers' @bloodnbiscuits… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-03

@bengoldacre @antonyingram disagree with both, riot wasn't explicitly due to bankers but pissing on them from a height alienates people # @stereoboard you always know these things, any idea of where/when the At The Drive In warm up show is? # So wait @blackbearsaloon and @theDUTCHSCHULTZ are still on the go? Why did I think… Read More

Tweets from 2012-07-02

OK Joy Division, impress me … # OK Joy Division I'm not overwhelmed but I'm liking Unknown Pleasures so far, tomorrow you get a go at impressing me with Closer # Maybe @lisamarieke? MT: @em_cooper: know any 12-18yr old girls in/near Manc that would like a free intro to coding? # @stereoboard is @Pennywise… Read More

Tweets from 2012-06-28

@ScienceChicGirl any chance of a link or is it only in the dead tree version? # @ScienceChicGirl Cool will try and grab a copy when back in London # Brilliant! @chrisbrown loves when you report domestic violence (he sells more albums) #operationdestroychrisbrown # @fromthebigface Fantastic, hope I'm not travelling! # @danlesac so Dan le… Read More

Tweets from 2012-06-27

I think @themarsvolta are playing Amsterdam tonight 🙂 # @geowriter Scurvy? #whatsarahsbookisprobablyabout # @geowriter @inkstainsclaire Boats with scurvy? #whatissheonabout # @geowriter People IN boats AND scurvy? That's crazy #playingthemuppet # @JS_tone a male ticket has just become available does your friend still want another one? he better get on quick # @hundredreasons Bigger than… Read More

Tweets from 2012-06-26

@NellieNeutron can you change Michele Garfinkel's talk title to "tackling the policy issues in performance enhancing drugs"? # @NellieNeutron thanks # @bosskuk any chance you have the support slot in London for @YourBaroness as well as Manc? # @BosskUK couldn't make the Unsane show as I was in Ireland, if you'd been supporting Baronnes that… Read More

Tweets from 2012-06-22

I love War Pigs by Reef – # @CatherineGater Seen the video? # To be fair to #sciencegirlthing the other videos are OK # @geowriter Cause when girls grow up they just become women (AKA baby factories), and therefore are useless to science? #sarcasm #