- Just to comment, and not very elequently, on last night: Mr Albarn? Dr Dee? Piss off #
- Blogpost promoting science funding by denigrating arts funding and foreign aid – http://t.co/kXPMLPEf Well done sir! *face palm* #
- Olympics cost twice what the LHC cost in total so better be a big boost! MT: @2012GovPress: PM: #London2012 will be a boost to our nation #
- @geowriter Ooh and it's almost anonymous too #
- @lallaballoo your definition of exciting needs work … #
- @geowriter oh and you have mail 😉 (for the usual reason you have mail) #
- @geowriter just poking 🙂 #
- @lallaballoo That is the reaction I was going for 🙂 #
- @BitterRuin Really looking forward to it, show at Jamboree was unreal especially the outside portion #
- Can some explain why I can't see jobs/events/other sub pages on @FaceBook just because I don't have a #FB account? #
- Strangest video EVER http://t.co/Y3tsZmJV #
- @benstill @xerophytes @imascientist If he does he better do a SciBar for @sciencelondon! #
- @heidifphoto @blogtackular Thing is you can see an Event page just not a user's Events page! http://t.co/v2VFfV06 Vs http://t.co/aqGOktCO #
- Pledge just £8 and you too can hear the new @earthtone9 album sans record label B.S. http://t.co/01Pp7DkG #
- 1st @MileyCyrus tweets about astronomy and now @iamwill tweets about #higgs and #stem Bloody fantastic 🙂 Now if @justinbieber did … #
- @blogtackular @heidifphoto Very true … #
- @EmmaCass2003 Hi Emma needed a speaker for our dating event but think we have found one (I help out with SciLDN) thanks for the tweet #