@deburcaa ? Wait you're in NYC? This week? You know T's thing is meant to be Thurs or Fri right? # @deburcaa Wednesday to Monday, not sure if T's thing is happening due to unwell in-laws but playing it by ear # Gutted that I'm in NY later this week but miss @ATR_official's 2 dates!… Read More
Category: Twitter
Tweets from 2012-04-16
Boo, Hiss no brewery tours of @sixpoint when we're over this week 🙁 # @Scroobiuspipyo cheeky but tried connecting using the ethernet cable # @mohomanchester stage times tonight? # This retweet means yes! RT @dillingerescpln: So anyone think Dillinger Escape Plan should put out an ep. before we release an LP? #
Tweets from 2012-04-14
@MetalIreland you're dead again 🙁 #
Tweets from 2012-04-13
@qikipedia Similar to Gyro in Greece/Greek no? # I am officially going to @Britsciassociat's @SciCommConf in May, could drum up some people to come along to http://t.co/UXXwXmfz #SciLDN # @okoeroo http://t.co/hY0SxK70 ? # @sorenpowholse Don't think we can do Knicks (Sarah enjoys NBA games but no home games) but looks like the Mets are on… Read More
Tweets from 2012-04-12
Can someone tell me why @uksciencechief is involved in selling arms to Indonesia/SE Asia is that what science advisers do now? # Going to NY next week, Tell me one thing I need to do when there! #
Tweets from 2012-04-11
@hvthomson I'm sure you mean duel but a lady such as yourself must have little need for such brutish terms # @heidifphoto In your condition? You sure that's safe? Hope you don't plan on cycling there … # I'm so bloody buying one MT: @Eddiesilence: main problem with the Bible is that it's not waterproof,… Read More
Tweets from 2012-04-10
So The Beatles actually have the biggest selling album? RT: @gettothefront: Queen top best-selling album chart: http://t.co/OF8DIYMA # Dear ancient laptop, I'm going to install Racy Puppy and see if that makes you useful again, your friend the netbook may get it too 🙂 # I want to go 🙁 What We Do at the… Read More
Tweets from 2012-04-09
@londonist is the newsfinder just a splog stealing your content? http://t.co/MWPA1Mlj #
Tweets from 2012-04-05
Just got an email apparently "Chris Cornell's Soundgarden" are playing Hyde park a) that's old news and b) "Chris Cornell's Soundgarden"? # @bengoldacre Not really that odd though, is it? # @JS_tone *raises eyebrow* #
Tweets from 2012-04-04
Gutted I could not make this 🙁 RT: @takeaworm: Tomorrow night we walk our last worm. Stereo, Glasgow, 7.30. # @metalireland is down for everyone not just me http://t.co/FiDBRSk4 # @fromthebigface That is terrible # @michel_egi I have 2 things for you a pastry thingy and an item which just looks wrong and won't ask… Read More
Tweets from 2012-04-03
Going to #Morrowfest # @JS_tone @benstill he is up there with past winners like The Cox (was he still early career in 2012?) # @nimp0 No 🙁 still in attendance with a stand though # Oh was wondering what all the tweets were about, so this is pretty now? http://t.co/y1GEl0dE # Denis Stratton on #NMTB… Read More
Tweets from 2012-04-02
Hmmm @BenStill is about to talk at #IoPQMUL2012 but has left his laptop logged in to twitter beside me … # @cprthorley @benstill possibly was me … he is doing alright, I haven't started heckling yet … # Anyone know stage times for @victimsinblood tonight in @theunderworld # Not my fault, honest guv RT: @benstill:… Read More