- So The Beatles actually have the biggest selling album? RT: @gettothefront: Queen top best-selling album chart: http://t.co/OF8DIYMA #
- Dear ancient laptop, I'm going to install Racy Puppy and see if that makes you useful again, your friend the netbook may get it too 🙂 #
- I want to go 🙁 What We Do at the Dead Zoo http://t.co/Aeh14po6 via @dubscience2012 #
- @Mybshwll The Munich date was brilliant, now hurry up with a London one! #
- Penguins FTW! RT: @qikipedia: Edinburgh Zoo had to erect glass panels after their penguins began pooing on people waiting to see the pandas. #
- Class, been meaning to catch them live for ages MT: @dillingerescpln: @3TrappedTigers are main support on the UK Dillinger shows. #
- MT @LS_Links: Twitter Learns The Titanic Not Just A Movie http://t.co/I1cjMYXr #