Tweets from 2013-03-01

So @Alec_Empire is playing a DJ set in Belfast, I'm guessing then we get a London @ATR_Official date? I'm allowed be hopeful 10:34:27, 2013-03-01 #nowplaying Zeitgeist by Smashing Pumpkins, I really like the new stuff! 17:39:38, 2013-03-01 Leyton Orient Supporters Club Beer Fest #1 Ilkley Black by Ilkley 18:33:19, 2013-03-01 Leyton Orient Supporters Club Beer… Read More

Tweets from 2013-02-28

Favourite museum? Easily @ScienceMuseum #TheSecretMuseum 15:31:47, 2013-02-28 #nowplaying From Desperate Times Come Radical Mins by @pettybonenews 15:34:57, 2013-02-28 RT @charltonbrooker: Why do the Northern Irish hate #WeeklyWipe so much they won't screen it at the SAME TIME as the REAL BBC2? Open wee … 16:03:31, 2013-02-28 @geowriter different looking backend completely or different text editor… Read More

Tweets from 2013-02-27

RT @DragonandFlagon: #LondonFacts The Paternoster Square column, which is The Monument in miniature, commemorates the millions of books … 10:49:26, 2013-02-27 Hmm with @BosskUK and @mybshwll I may make it to @hitthedeckfest 14:36:35, 2013-02-27

Tweets from 2013-02-26

"that new album My Bloody Valentine seem to have released for a bet" 15:01:55, 2013-02-26 "also Katie Singer skiiving (not pictured)" MT: @KatieHSinger: Tamsin (SCORE Manager) at the SCORE registration desk! 15:14:36, 2013-02-26 @KatieHSinger đŸ˜‰ in reply to KatieHSinger 15:17:07, 2013-02-26 You'd think given how often I have to type it my fingers… Read More

Tweets from 2013-02-25

I'm quite enjoying ¡Uno! and ¡Dos! by Green Day quite fun little albums not picked up ¡TrĂ©! yet 13:05:36, 2013-02-25 A poor workman blames his tools … 13:23:59, 2013-02-25 OK I'm getting old! RT: @QMUL: Sorry we missed #QMHarlemShake last week! Here's the video 13:45:48, 2013-02-25 Brilliant! Now where is the special edition of… Read More

Tweets from 2013-02-22

What is the hashtag for the @RoyalSoc Summer Exhibition this year? #SSE13 or #SSE2013? Something else? 17:37:44, 2013-02-22 Now with proper handle RT: What is the hashtag for the @RoyalSociety Summer Exhibition this year? #SSE13 or #SSE2013? Something else? 17:48:34, 2013-02-22

Tweets from 2013-02-19

Was this at @MaidstoneJCP? RT: @Just_Jayce: RT? Ppost about the disgusting #HIV stigma I received at the job centre 10:30:27, 2013-02-19 @Just_Jayce @maidstonejcp always best to give credit where it is due I find in reply to Just_Jayce 12:26:41, 2013-02-19 RT @gettothefront: Let the Led Zeppelin rumours commence…. Robert Plant tells Australia’s version of… Read More