- "that new album My Bloody Valentine seem to have released for a bet" http://t.co/9mosiAH3y4 15:01:55, 2013-02-26
- "also Katie Singer skiiving (not pictured)" MT: @KatieHSinger: Tamsin (SCORE Manager) at the SCORE registration desk! http://t.co/01fiN7YJXR 15:14:36, 2013-02-26
- @KatieHSinger 😉 in reply to KatieHSinger 15:17:07, 2013-02-26
- You'd think given how often I have to type it my fingers would have worked out how to spell infrastructure … 15:25:17, 2013-02-26
- @pixievondust any stats of the industries the Israelis are "starting-up" in? #eisri in reply to pixievondust 15:53:38, 2013-02-26
- An Irish @LatitudeFest? RT: @darraghdoyle: Music Arts Festival LONGITUDE Fri 19 to Sun 21 July, Marlay Park #dublin http://t.co/SxNbHZroXz 16:32:16, 2013-02-26
- Wait @polaruk are playing @clubfacedown at @scalalondon on Friday? Any one know when they'd be on stage? 16:42:13, 2013-02-26
- @fromthebigface I'll enjoy the London date for you … in reply to fromthebigface 22:08:31, 2013-02-26