RT @mahemoff: Progress http://t.co/AgoxtEtH 11:49:09, 2013-01-10 Cool, @neasan is about to reach 4,500 tweets! See the rest of the stats http://t.co/DLiObECB 12:30:22, 2013-01-10 Which bloody app tweeted that? RT: @neasan: Cool, @neasan is about to reach 4,500 tweets! See the rest of the stats http://t.co/DLiObECB 12:45:59, 2013-01-10 @steve_x and I passed it 61 tweets ago… Read More
Category: Twitter
Tweets from 2013-01-09
RT @DragonandFlagon: 150 years since first tube journey. Definitely a cause for celebration,unless,of course,you've spent all that time … 10:05:14, 2013-01-09 RT @harpistkat: This is the most important petition you could ever sign – failure to publish clinical trials harms us all http://t.co/FB … 13:06:04, 2013-01-09 RT @sciencelondon: Tonight is our 1st event of 2013.… Read More
Tweets from 2013-01-08
WOOOOOSSSSHHHH! 15:07:40, 2013-01-08 *sigh* people … 16:43:46, 2013-01-08 *Horse Bolts* "Quick, shut the stable door" *facepalm* 18:41:42, 2013-01-08 RT @dresdencodak: Big Bang Theory is everyone who made fun of you in high school trying to pretend they like you now that you're making … 18:41:56, 2013-01-08
Tweets from 2013-01-07
RT @ginaharrington: All-robot band plays 'Ace of Spades' http://t.co/baqQsXDB 16:41:39, 2013-01-07
Tweets from 2013-01-06
RT @alaindebotton: The need to be liked by people you don't know (or like) should be treated as an illness like any other. 15:35:19, 2013-01-06
Tweets from 2013-01-04
Already picked this up in Into The Void, not given it a proper spin yet MT: @Metalireland: New album from Celtachor. http://t.co/UJrhM8K5 18:07:09, 2013-01-04 @ginaharrington You on that buzz too? Some of the @ScienceLondon are as well http://t.co/vIJcxRea in reply to ginaharrington 21:01:31, 2013-01-04 This Galway Hooker by @HookerBrewery and Ór by @trouble_brewing go down… Read More
Tweets from 2013-01-03
@ginaharrington we don't ask questions like that around here young lady …. in reply to ginaharrington 21:59:21, 2013-01-03 @ginaharrington Think that's bad don't ask about the Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness boxsets, yes sets … in reply to ginaharrington 22:08:57, 2013-01-03 @ginaharrington DEMON!!!! Kill him!!!! in reply to ginaharrington 22:17:27, 2013-01-03
Tweets from 2013-01-02
2012 = 69 gigs, can 2013 top that? Want at least 52, be hard to beat 69 I think :-/ 11:03:09, 2013-01-02 As an addendum to that last tweet my average number of gigs a year is ~33 since (and including) 1999 11:21:36, 2013-01-02 Anyone know the exact dates of Dublin's Festival of Curiosity in… Read More
Tweets from 2013-01-01
@NintendoUK the code to redeem a free game for registering my #3dsxl appears to be too short 18:54:35, 2013-01-01
Tweets from 2012-12-30
@blogtackular poke me website there 😉 12:42:42, 2012-12-30
Tweets from 2012-12-27
RT @alchemist_cafe: New Event Announcement – January 2013?s Alchemist Cafe http://t.co/F06X3aVs 12:24:18, 2012-12-27
Tweets from 2012-12-25
@steve_x @sciencelondon That's why it tastes so nice! in reply to steve_x 19:04:35, 2012-12-25