- RT @DragonandFlagon: 150 years since first tube journey. Definitely a cause for celebration,unless,of course,you've spent all that time … 10:05:14, 2013-01-09
- RT @harpistkat: This is the most important petition you could ever sign – failure to publish clinical trials harms us all http://t.co/FB … 13:06:04, 2013-01-09
- RT @sciencelondon: Tonight is our 1st event of 2013. We have @DrBenEvans talking all things @Bloodhound_SSC and a model of the machine h … 15:13:16, 2013-01-09
- RT @edyong209: RT @paldhous The best of Kickstarter: http://t.co/BcgjqLRs 15:23:43, 2013-01-09
- Randomly found @corruptmoralalt their EP sounds great http://t.co/O6I1uVF0 consider it pre-ordered now play London CC @fromthebigface 16:08:47, 2013-01-09
- Is there not a single organisation who will publicly support #alltrials? http://t.co/q5Qu2qh3 16:32:42, 2013-01-09