- What complete and utter BS, Irish bars are bollocks -> RT: @LDN: The best irish bars in London http://bit.ly/bYQjwg (via @visitlondonweb) #
- Dear Apple, seriously now the iPod classic is 160GB again? Arghh why the switch? #
- @imascientist I'd love one but the idea of not having a book on my shelf is unbearable, I'm hearing good things about the new Kindle though in reply to imascientist #
- @heidifphoto Never got into 10,000 Days, love Lateralus though, if you haven't heard it White Pony by Deftones could be your thing in reply to heidifphoto #
- @imascientist but tech is tech, two sides of me at war 🙁 in reply to imascientist #
- @heidifphoto Also assume you're a NIN fan, I have loads of interesting NIN stuff which you might like, and check out @destroyangels in reply to heidifphoto #
- @imascientist There is meant to be a light side? Knew I was doing something wrong 🙂 in reply to imascientist #