- I love the fact one of my friends (@traylenator) has a blog reviewing children's playgrounds, I suppose that's what fatherhood does to you #
- Alright you geeks, who knows stuff about Drupal? #
- RT: @LDN: Boris Bikes head east http://bit.ly/cEA8X3 wahey can take these to work soon 🙂 #
- @blogtackular I may need to use that info later, have issues with some people and don't want them hiding behind Drupal, I know they will try #
- The one time @cineworld show a concert film I am interested in (they didn't show Flight 666), I'm in the US, boo-urns – http://bit.ly/a5JTSX #
- Now this is interesting (via @imascientist) How Much Do Music Artists Earn Online? -> http://bit.ly/bjSA0V #