Hello boys and girls, I know it’s been a while again, but sure the last one was a long one. Warwick went well (pictures in Gallery here). We’d a 42″ amd 21″ screen showing various things 24 A1 posters and some handouts. I had to rush off at the end of the first real day and left the stand in the capable hands of my colleagues for the last day.
So the rushing was I was in CERN on the Wednesday and Thursday for an EGEE/EGEEII Tranistion meeting which was nice. Switzerland was nice, stupid looking money but nice scenery and beer. It’s a pretty underwhelming facility on the surface but what’s going on there is nuts. I didn’t get to go underground this time (maybe next time, hopefully). I met a few press officers, the one for EGEE and the one for CERN, in its ENTIRETY who had just shown Anthony Gormley around who you may know from this. I also met up with one of the PhD students working on CMS, one of the LHC detectors, who I knew from the Royal Society training. She was a lovely lady called Maria we went for some chow on the Thursday night in an Italian restuarant near CERN before she put me on the bus for the airport at ~7:40 CET. I got home to Brixton oh at ~02:15 BST due to a “20 minute” delay, hmmm.
A little tired but dragged myself up quite early the next day to head to Leicester to meet up with my friends Aoife and Leo. We did nowt it was brilliant I was so tired and we just hung out and caught up because I aint seen them since I got the new job and Leo got his. I came back to London on Sunday and haven’t really doing anything since just chilling, a little illing.
On my travels I got into two different Virgin shops which have been having a pretty awesome sale and I got the following for £3.99 each:
Nevermore – Enemies Of Reality
Betzefer – Down Low
Obituary – Frozen In Time
The Frames – The Roads Outgrown
Mundy – Raining Arows
Halite – Head On
BadMeaninGood – Peatnut Butter Wolf (for the younger brother)
Bubba Ho Tep.
So with that haul I’ve been trying to reconcile my issues with iTunes and I think I’ve got it now, I’m not delighted but I am happy, just hope I don’t get a compilation any time soon :-?.
I’m trying something different with my goatee/beard thing at the mo. I’m keeping it tidy obviously but keeping under my chin completely shaven along with the space around my labret piercing. Then I’m letting the hair around my chin just grow, see what happens, tis only hair (well only hair that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon Sarah).
Sarah also got her timetable for exams this week so she’ll be moving over early June partially because we (now when I say “we” I mean Srah Keogh + 1) have been invited to a wedding on the 5th of June. We are going only one stipulation, the next day is 06/06/06. I think we all know what that is \m/. Viking Skull are also playing The Underworld and I aint missing that.
In other strange news I threw this together as an example of what I could do for Alex’s girlfriend Shonagh’s band Subrosa for a website. Only one issue, it looks great in FireFox, Safari, Opera and Netscape on various platforms(OK Mac and Windows) which I know you all use so won’t see a problem. However the plebian masses still on IE see an abortion, damn fucking M$ and their ignoring W3C standards. So I killed the project till I get a quality image which I want to use on the site from their new CD and can check IE as I go. IE has been killed on the Mac so I need to keep my laptop running a wee bit annoying.
For Mac/open source fans out there a question. I need a open source alternative to Photohsop et al for my Mac I’ve found one called Gimp(seriously) but the download won’t mount (Mac-Speak for run) but I’ll try again later.
Link Of The Day:
No explanation required.
Later Days,
What error are you getting?!
That it won’t mount. The download is too small I don’t think it is downloading a full file, I’ll try again later, then I am “right clicking” and “save target as” maybe there’s an issue with that?
It’s possible, maybe you’re getting a html file instead of the dmg… Try just clicking the link. I think it should be about 50MB…
That was it aint had a chance to try it out yet, iTunes is still fecking me around has it never heard of ID3?
It sure has, but I have a feeling it might only do it in the mp3 files it creates… Not the AAC… If your music player only plays mp3s does it really matter?
How’re things?
No it doesn’t put them on the MP3s and of course my player uses AAC, the firmware is open source third part, very little it doesn’t do (it can run Doom for Christ’s sake)