Sunday Bloody Sunday

“Another Day Another Dollar, Another Kill For The Corporate Collar.”
Well OK not today, took a day off. Some chilling time with my girlfriend after her exam on Saturday. Had dinner in an Italian on Dame Stree last night. It wasn’t great to be honest but company was good. We went on to the Porter House on the edge of Temple Bar. I love that pub, great beers a plenty. The poor quality of the muck usually consumed in this country was driven home by an enforced stopover in the Life bar on Lower Abbey St afterwards (we missed the 10 O’Clock 33). Grabbed a pint of my usual tipple, Smithwicks, and god was it tastless compared to the beers I’d had earlier. They were:
TSB My favourite in the Porter House.
Old Speckled Hen
Brain Blasta
I can heartily recommend them all if you like ale, real ale.

Ken, a journo scum friend, gave me two albums he got to review that he recommends, Scavenger’s “A Madness To Our Method” and Shaped By Fate/Johnny Mental Split “The Fire Which In The Heart Resides”. Scavenger one is good after a listen. Johnny Mental hasn’t been spun yet but you’ll hear if it’s worth it.

Did some scouting out in Swords today and had a goo at Flat Screen displays for my Mac Mini. Some OK prices but might go for a Dell one in the end. Now just need to work out how Apple’s WiFi stuff works so I can set up a home network when I get it.

Full week in work ahead of me, Monday through Friday. Off for the weekend though, Woo Hoo!

Added buttons on the right hand side to FireFox and Thunderbird, my browser and email client of choice at the moment.

Link Of The Day:
Animated Adventures of Eddie Iron Maidens mascot
Like Maiden? You’ll love these flash cartoons, each one based on the artwork and time period of each Maiden album. Click “Capitulos Anteriores” (site’s in Portugese, I think) on the right and you’ll see the list of the seven he’s done so far.

Later Days,


  1. (via AJ)

    I was at the Covent Garden Porter House this weekend 🙂 The seasonal Vienna Lager was very tasty indeed – not lagery at all – and the Oyster Stout continues to be yummy. I does love me beer – got the CAMRA card & t-shirts to advertise it too! *grin*

  2. Ooh seen the seasonal vienna lager mentioned in the menu but haven’t gone for it yet. Need to gets me a CAMRA T-Shirt for sure.

  3. hey
    ive been readin everyday!! just shows how busy i am . its a bit freaky though cos now that i know everything thats goin on we wont have much to say when we meet up!!! are you working in hmv in grafton st?? cos im working in vodafone at the bottom??

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