I really planned on Blogging most days this week but I just went home last night ate, drank and went to sleep, so I didn’t really get a chance last night. Anyway I’ll just say a few things quickly:
Metal: A Headbangers not a two thumbs up but two devil horns \m/ 😀
Saw Ice Age: The Meltdown as well recently, it was more a series of short scenes stitched together, it was OK not a patch on the first. Also when I went to see it the first trailers(including the one for The Simpson’s movie) is any surprise kids have no attention span.
Like gaming? Get lazy get the The Nethrone.
Sarah asked me to link to this site the other day http://www.ecoenquirer.com/, an environmental news site. I like it.
The National Library for the Blind (NLB) wants you to buy books from Amazon via its own website at www.nlb-online.org/shop. You pay the Amazon price but the NLB gets 10%. Which I think is great.
Proof the BBC is not infallible, classic.
Recently I noticed the actual date Joe Strummer died(22/12/02) and was a little surprised I hadn’t realised it was that late 2002 thought it had been early 2003. The reason it shocked me so is I saw Joe on that his last tour in Edinburgh but was unsure of the exact date so looked it up. I saw him on the 11th of November 2002 8O. I saw Joe strummer just over a month before he died and he did not look close to deaths door in any way shape or form, he is missed.
During one of my forays around the East End of London I saw the wholesale office of Criminal Damage which is along Whitechpel road. I dind’t know it was wholesale and they had a nice sleeveless, black denim jacket in the window so I popped in to see if I could get one. They were grand to flog me one for £20 but I tried one on at XL, and it didn’t fit me :-(. It was too small, I aint massive by any stretch of the imagination I blame the skinny emo kids.
So it’s been a while since Nintendo announced the name of the Wii and have made announcemnets at E3 which weren’t amazing but at least positive. Podz, Al and Dave have all mentioned the machine in posts mostly appreciatively but I think the name is bugging a few. Having worked in retail the name is genius, parents/general public don’t necessarily know that it’s a Playstation, a Gamecube or XBox. They get them mixed up; Gamestation, Playcube, Gamebox etc.. With DS and Wii these can’t be shortened, mixed up confused. They can’t get it wrong.
When I started reading the Guardian there was a science insert every Thursday which was half science and half technology and the technology bit was great. About 6 months ago they moved science into the paper and there is a (not always explicit) science page every day. This means on a Thursday the supplement is all technology, which in theory is great but somehow they have crippled it and it is almost a chore to read and certain sections seem to have lost space. I don’t usually have to buy the Guardian as where we have tea/coffee (the Senior Common Room) has them for us to read. Last Thursday I was at a meeting about promoting the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) in the UK so I bought it on the way home because I don’t like missing the technology but it was the worst one yet, even with a glowing review of Nintendo’s show at E3. 70p wasted, stupid piece of crap.
Link of the day: If anyone argues junk food isn’t rocket fuel point them here.
Later Days,
now you know how it feels!!! walk into a shop, think a top looks cool, you try it on, make sure the label says it’s for girls, it does, try and act cool as you replace a top with bust stiching, then see who the top’s aimed at-13 year olds with no boobs!!
change to previous picture please…
Got the replacement you sent will put it up tomorrow