Mantra Of A Dying World

Well I’ll start with another review:

Pirates Of The Caribbean – Good not quite the 10/10 some reviews from certain sources would have you believe. Too long, poor scripting choices, stupid cliffhanger, at 2 and a half hours and with some proper management of the story you could have easily fit the next sequeal into this one. I liked it but jeez lads a lot of it was quite redundant and Jack Sparrow isn’t the lovable rogue of the first one he’s just a grade A cunt with no real redeeming qualities even though everyone seems in the film seems to think he does. Watch it but don’t expect too much.

Also as you can see over on the left I’m reading A Scanner Darkly by Philip K Dick I picked it up when Alex was getting rid of some books cluttering up his office. Coincidentally it’s been made into a film which is out next month starring Keanu Reeves, the books great not sure how good the film will be.

Clerks 2 is out in just over a week in the states but no word of a UK/Europe release yet, there are hints it will be late August all I know is I will be going to it as many times as possible 😀

Anyone on MySpazz? Who the fuck are Hellfire? They keot requesting to be my friend and I deined them like 5 times they eventually got the message, fucking cunts.

I have been getting a ton of junk mail recently in my personal address is anyone else having this problem? It just sprung up in the last 4/5 days literally where the junk filter in my webmail isn’t junking anything (and it is usually quite good) and my inbox has 40 or so emails everyday which Thunderbird then junks when I download each evening.

Tasty News bits:
Ha Ha. Screw you Sony.
Another legend passes on.
For Christ’s Sake, muppets.
It’s been everywhere but he did it.
Leaving work eh?
Funny article about online JukeBoxes, don’t even pretend you haven’t thought of playing something wholy inappropriate on a trendy pub’s jukebox.
And 3 Stages Of Pain split 🙁

I know this is everywhere but I just like it, too big as an avatar though:

Link Of The Day:
A very strange eBay auction

Later days,


  1. YOU LIE!
    Pirates is a great film, you jusat have no taste due to being ginger 🙂

    But I will agree on seeing Clerks 2 as much as possible!

  2. Seen that Zidane stuff fucking brilliant, look pirates is OK but I think that unless 3 really pulls something out of thin air and you know it wont/can’t after 2’s poor showing they should have left it at a stand alone flick but hollywood never leaves things alone.

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