Illuminate My Heart, My Darling

As I mentioned back from Devon and I have a gallery of my time there.
There is also a new one of the wall furniture in my room here which shows you three out of my four animal gig posters, the fourth needs a frame and a hook still, I’m working on it.

While we were in Devon we came upon a shop/centre place called Trans End a sustainable enrgy/lifestyle shop. It is run by volunteers and was primarily to help people in the Ilfracombe/Devon area be more eco friendly. I am all for this and Sarah is doing Enviromnetal Management in college so we popped in Sarah had a chat with your man and there was some great little ideas etc.. available. There was one problem Sarah got some magazines called “Positive Living Connect” or something which had some very good articles in them BUT and this is what gets my goat there was a big chunk of pseudo science ads like for alternative medicines, healing hands etc but the best had to be this:

The White Light of the Unicorns shows the purity of the Unicorns and with the spiral of their magical horn they make a vortex which allows the Universal love and healing energy to flow through us..

I laughed out loud and couldn’t actually read this out loud all the way thorugh go on try, it’s not easy. Anyway my point is why the hell is such important information i.e. that we’re slowly killing the planet and how do do something about it always tied up with this fucked up bullshit? It makes me sick and means most people give this scene a miss due to these freaks and wierdos being involved.

Link of the day: The type of crap I’m complaining about Angels Of Light. Not advised for those who are in work and looks of incredulity, laughing out loud or vomiting may draw attention to you.

Also 9/11 Al Qaeda or Alien Moose? You decide.

Later days,

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