I am the carcass (a link dump?)

Still aint fixed my MP3s yet, it isn’t too bad as I’m listening almost exclusively to the new Iron Maiden one but probably won’t get a proper chance till I get back from Slovenia at least if not till after I get back from Nottingham and Geneva. Anyway this post is short enough and is mostly a link dump :-/

Crikey! RIP mate.

*sniff, sniff* It was destined to happen, it was slowly dying a death but it eventually happened, the RSH Board is dead. As a BBS it had died over 12 months ago, without a tour or new release the fans just stopped posting, some of us kept going back, Myself, Frog Ninja, Ian, Diluted and Liquid Edge to name just a few. How can we have board meets now without a board? There will be a mini one i.e. Ian, Frog Ninja and I at The Abominable Iron Sloth and we’ll have to drink to it :-(.

Stumbled on this through a link from wordpress.com. It’s 50 Questions asked at an interview and suggestion answers, some suggestions are a little iffy maybe but combined with all the comments maybe of use to someone.

Wonder how well GDisk works? It turns your Gmail a/c storage into online storage. Only for Mac OSX, going to give it a whirl now.

A speedtest of your network connection.

Windows XP has, as some know, a Command Line type inteface. It’s the “Run” option when you click on the start button. It has many uses from editing your registry to sending messages across a network to users but here is a list of 113 useful ones which you may like. You may prefer to use the cmd option to open a window which looks like an old DOS prompt and all of these commands can be typed there as well.

Link of the day: How to write like a wanker. The ultimate guide to using the internet and its various methods of textual communication. I think we all have met people who in all seriousness write like this.

Later days,

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