Sleep when I’m dead…

Yeah bollocks to that I’m going to bed now. Back from Nottingham busy conference and late nights (not as late as some members of the group wanted) have me b ushed and I’m off again on Sunday :-?. I should get some of my Slovenia trip blogged on Saturday but need to get Stampin’ Ground tickets in Islington and the British Library apparently has an interesting exhibition on newspaper headlines.

Link(s) of the day:
My early adolesence was spent reading Amiga Power and I stumbled upon the same writers doing a sequel of sorts to the now defunct magazine. I present to youAP2. I haven’t really had a chance to read it yet fully but there are some good bits so far.

Like South Park? Well apparently Trey Parker and Matt Stone will not chase up any copyright violations so here is a site,Mr, with what I think is a complete list of torrent links for every South Park episode. Nice.

Later Days,

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