- Myspace is big for music? Are people using a different myspace? It's useless for everything now, bands and fans hate it #scc2011 #
- Can we lose #Facebook first? MT @JSong88: So, will #twitter have run its course in a few years? Thoughts? #SCC2011 #
- Agreed, to think no one in the public can or will use or read scientific data is very arrogant RT @lucatbarone Are you sure Dan? #scc2011 #
- OK apparently I'd booked the podcasting session not the tyranny of the web one, I want to go to both 🙁 #scc2011 #
- ? But they are on twitter @DbyDteam RT @NellieNeutron: #scc2011 What? Dialogue by design refuse to use social media? #
- Nice one RT @ianbrunswick look at you @Kingsplaceevent! First venue I've ever been at that tweeted me that the food was on #SCC2011 #
- This could be the blog @edyong209 mentioned in his talk, he tweeted it a few days ago http://bit.ly/4R5cgF #scc2011 @SpaceKangaroo #
- Is @qmul signed up to Paul Manners' manifesto? What about other @gridpp member institutes? #scc2011 #
- @elwell2000 this year I'm just attending, the @e_scitalk team had a session yesterday though #
- @NellieNeutron in the podcasting session but keeping an eye on tweets, just found refusing to do any social media strange #
- @SpaceKangaroo a) my @kylesamusic t-shirt is amazing and b) I'm listening, being on phone better than on laptop 🙂 #
- Think I was one MT @jjsanderson: Only ~3 of us tweeted #scc2009 Big change. Hugely useful feedback to see what people pick up on #scc2011 #
- If anyone missed it I think the blog @edyong209 mentioned in his talk is here -> http://bit.ly/4R5cgF #scc2011 #
- To be fair that is the kind of numbers on Large Hadron Collider papers RT @anneosterrieder: #SCC2011 imagine publication with 12.000 authors #
- Should be there keeping an eye on what is happening at home RT @NellieNeutron: #scc2011 Proud of Ireland, some of the best case studies here #
- Speaker in citizen science has the same shoes! MT @lucatbarone: #scc2011 2 of the people in the #podcast panel wear the SAME shoes #
- Citizen science: freeing data can benefit public unlike statements at today's opening plenary suggested(forget who said it) #scc2011 #
- What? MT @JacquesHughes: 'I'd be surprised if scientists talk about unpublished work in conferences' Really?? #facepalm #scc2011 #
- Why can't I see my twitter avatar in a timeline with @seesmic ? I can see others, can other users see mine? #
- @therealpusa UK/European dates? *Puppy Dog Eyes* #
- @boards_ie balls, I'll try turning it off and on again #
- @anneosterrieder @lisagard2 I think the paper mentioned in the citizen science session is this one – http://bit.ly/k9ioty #scc2011 #
- Does my bloody avatar work yet? Tried turning it off and on again and now uploaded png instead of gif #
- @CristyBurne thought you'd find this funny via @edyong209, Author finds Chinese end of her novel has photo of stranger http://bit.ly/io88jv #
- MUPPET TRAILERS!!!!! RT: @gmcalpin: Another Muppets teaser trailer! http://dlvr.it/T6Sv4 (link to first one in that post too) WATCH NOW! #
- Some comments about @BrightClubLdn at #scc2011 seem driven by an imagined slight/chip on shoulder, you know who you are, build a bridge etc #