- @sorenpowholse RT: @stereoboard: 3 Doors Down set to return to the UK next March More details coming up soon at http://www.stereoboard.com #
- The ESOF Careers call registration asks for a lot of personal/unnecessary information don't they? You need my gender etc? @dubscience2012 #
- @hvthomson Assume you saw this http://t.co/toSOGvt #
- Wait a minute that's quite close to Lyon where I'm going next week! RT: @neasan: @hvthomson Assume you saw this http://t.co/toSOGvt #
- Paddling near Whitstable – http://t.co/ZU164ua #
- @stereoboard An Irish date for GWAR has been announced Dublin 17th Jan, and there will be a Belfast date too http://t.co/kxKmJa8 #
- I have to go home for a wedding in November and OMIGOD have the B&B owners of Ireland not heard of the Internet? #