- This is pretty cool, mystery sculptor uses books to create 10 pieces, gifts them to various libraries around Edinburgh http://t.co/oqP7YZZ9 #
- @der_bluthund @ATR_official could we have an article not written by a "Reiki Master"? Doesn't say much for his belief in "evidence" #
- @der_bluthund I'm not denying the message but the messenger makes his living selling lies and snake oil. This taints the 2 year old message #
- When are @RSJband playing the capital again? Would like to pick up Higgs Boson at a show #
- @der_bluthund I believe in evidence, truth is our best tool, we can't hold others to standards we oursleves ignore, just my opinion though #
- @geowriter @benstill All I have to say is http://t.co/P5NPey5X and http://t.co/ensaX68k #
- @geowriter @benstill They keep funding him, it most defintely is … #
- Saw this in NY with Billy Joe it was awful RT: @gettothefront: Green Day's 'American Idiot' musical to tour UK in '12 http://t.co/2emnJKC4 #
- Come work with me and @e_scitalk at @QMUL in @PhysicsatQM No Physics or IT knowledge required just a great Sci Comm job http://t.co/O5PaaaFn #
- @lauragoodall @benstill well our friend @laura_grant already has 😀 #
- @geowriter assume you saw this? MT @edyong209 applications still open for a €5000 fellowship from the EGU http://t.co/EHYPU94X #