- 10 Years of a grid http://t.co/bVmdAS2Q #
- Anyone know anything about @OpenCms? Are RSS feeds easy to create/update/define? Any pointers to info? #
- Imagine I had an XML file and I wanted to be able to update it very easily from a web form how would one go about this? (using @OpenCms) #
- @Daffydil ROOKIE!!!!! #
- This is why I love the Muppets 3 classic gags (at least) in one tune http://t.co/sw1mSHjQ http://t.co/u69ayblG http://t.co/q5JHvd8R #
- @Daffydil What taking up knitting/crochetting/sewing in the first place? No wouldn't be that crazy! #
- One gig confirmed for my trip back home this Xmas
Kíla at Meeting House Square http://t.co/nQ4dldzU won't make 52 this year though
- I love Too Much Monkey Business by The Presidents Of The United States Of America – http://t.co/ImeX6v78 #
- Apparently I already love Ca Plane Pour Moi by @presidentsrock
http://t.co/DXItcVBD #