- What game are computers most likely to never outplay humans at? Calvin Ball – http://t.co/6CL7WfM6 #
- On my personal to-do list is to see the Northern Lights in person RT: @qikipedia: Now these are impressive skies http://t.co/fbymLiix #
- @SciEntsBlog @ScienceLondon or @BritSciAssociat? #
- Apparently the Feltham and Ilford @cineworld are the highest grossing Bollywood cinemas in the world outside of India http://t.co/sb2SOqKJ #
- Not to be awkward but is there a reason the @BritSciAssociat publication "People & Science" is only in PDF? I have better things to do #
- Also why is why is it's latest issue March 2011? Still only January http://t.co/N6LqF7xM @BritSciAssociat #