- Details or did I miss a tweet/tour date? RT @ALEC_EMPIRE: getting ready to launch Atari Teenage Riot 3.0 in London in February #
- @gettothefront any details of a London date for @ATR_official next month? #
- @stereoboard any details of a London date for @ATR_official next month? #
- Tickets for @atr_official at @GarageLondon only £5? Nice one http://t.co/CfLAawoR #
- @gettothefront Thanks eventually found it, @alec_empire was being cryptic on Twitter last night, £5 is a bargain #
- RT @InjusticeFacts: @iamdiddy gave @justinbieber a $300,000 car for his 16th, more than he has given to all the starving children in Africa #
- @QMUL There's been one at Kennington now for about 3 weeks and no sign of any bikes #
- America anything you can do the Irish can do "better" Ireland's "SOPA" doesn't even need a government debate – http://t.co/lxBjNfnN #
- @DisneyMoviesUK Live Webstream? #