- Beacuse it made even half-asleep me almost LOL RT: @StephenAtHome: Despite their name, Thin Mints are not a diet aid. #
- ARGGHH could we stop with the tweets about the @ATR_official London show(s) I missed/will miss, gutted 🙁 #
- I don't think I get Pinterest, am I getting old? (The answer is yes BTW) #
- OK if you are chairing a session do your bloody job, 5 mins is not enough between sessions #rant #hungry #thirsty #
- @ATR_Official @Alec_Empire any chance of a list/pictures of merch at shows to drool over? #
- @geowriter you got mail (sorry to pester) #
- Sometimes dinner looks like this in Taipei 🙂 Tinfoil is on the hotplate where they cooked the food in front of me! http://t.co/gVtVI0dP #
- Serious lack of #streetpass hits at #isgc2012 no one else brought/has a #3DS #gettingold #feelingyoung #