- SIE LIEBT DICH! I love the German versions of I Wanna Hold Your Hand and She Loves You 🙂 09:55:31, 2012-08-01
- Dear people I work with, TELL ME THINGS! Thanks. 10:17:02, 2012-08-01
- That's my experience too MT: @geowriter: Is anyone actually suffering 'olympic travel nightmare'? If anything, it's less busy on the tube… 10:17:29, 2012-08-01
- @geowriter you mean eating cheese! http://t.co/7XxTjZNa in reply to geowriter 10:38:40, 2012-08-01
- @TheSpoonyOne Ask @guyadams http://t.co/XgK72dxP in reply to TheSpoonyOne 12:26:46, 2012-08-01
- @JS_tone 🙁 in reply to JS_tone 12:26:55, 2012-08-01
- @JS_tone wait I mean :-D, yeah :-D, not 🙁 not that at all 12:28:23, 2012-08-01
- Disgusted I'm missing the Muppets marathon at ThePCCLondon http://t.co/4cUsCUay want to see Muppet Movie and Muppet Caper on big screen 🙁 13:58:35, 2012-08-01
- @JS_tone I will hold my tongue and my misgivings about the Olympics for tonight (unless I think of some great wordplay using gamesmaker) in reply to JS_tone 15:57:46, 2012-08-01