- @PeteBrownBeer simple, that is @MarketingUK using churnalism or the ability to regurgitate a press release 09:22:09, 2012-09-11
- @tweetlater how do I set a timezone? Having to calculate what time EDT is in my local time is a bit much 10:18:15, 2012-09-11
- Wait did @tntmagazine really review a branch of Chipotle the McDonald's owned fast food chain? 13:36:36, 2012-09-11
- Yeah I did that MT: @isgtw: our round up of the @CERN session from the recent @turingfestival (by @neasan) http://t.co/7jocjYa5 13:40:07, 2012-09-11
- RT @scicurious: Ppl always told me I should LOVE the big bang theory. I don't. This post clarifies why: http://t.co/4zTXsb2o (via @TSZuska ) 14:16:13, 2012-09-11
- This is a test @europeangrid @egitech @egituser @egipolicy #egitf12 #egicf13 15:17:14, 2012-09-11
- Ugh that last one should have read @egiusers 15:19:06, 2012-09-11
- Let's try that all again, grrr, @europeangrid @egitech @egiusers @egipolicy #egitf12 #egicf13 15:29:23, 2012-09-11
- Just picked up tickets for @phlaimeaux's show about a failed Antarctic explorer, looking forward to it 19:43:58, 2012-09-11
- @JS_tone you better *shakes fist* though I know you won't 🙁 in reply to JS_tone 19:44:55, 2012-09-11