- RT @YourAnonNews: How to stop piracy: 1 Create great stuff 2 Make it easy to buy 3 Same day worldwide release 4 Fair price 5 Works on an … 09:25:59, 2013-01-11
- RT @sophiacol: Isn't this an argument for maths being on curriculum? RT @guardianscience Science should be on journalism curriculum http … 10:58:58, 2013-01-11
- @tortillauk When I was in the Charing Cross store before xmas they didn't have Steak (just "normal" beef) on the menu, is steak gone now? in reply to tortillauk 11:22:31, 2013-01-11
- MT: @bengoldacre: News about organisations signing up to support http://t.co/0iO5rK45 coming soon. Sign the petition! #alltrials 12:56:47, 2013-01-11
- @fromthebigface Sugarcoma have reunited, I think the apocalypse may be nigh :-/ 14:57:50, 2013-01-11
- Are we genuinely using a blogging platform created by someone who has wordpress installed on his own web space? Must be a joke? Right? 15:44:14, 2013-01-11
- RT @lalonde: WTF? Irish docs afraid of wifi?! "@eirepreneur: letter sent 2 all Irish school by Irish Doctors Envir. Assoc. re Wifi http … 15:47:49, 2013-01-11
- RT @twhyntie: We were forced to report these unprofitable results because people did the Right Thing and signed http://t.co/p5UIYHSD #ov … 16:14:35, 2013-01-11
- Arghh you're kidding me the 1st @cineworld unlimited screening I REALLY want to go to and I'm away #wreckitralph 18:35:38, 2013-01-11