- OK who knew about The New Watch and didn't tell me? http://t.co/BDO65ADu I may even pre-order it if it appears on kindle! 13:08:12, 2013-02-11
- @JS_tone I liked the films, had given up on a new Watch book but apparently I was mistaken, to-read lost getting too long, bloody eBooks in reply to JS_tone 13:15:03, 2013-02-11
- @JS_tone Oh I've only watched them subtitled … my Kindle has increased my reading/buying of books by ~3000% easily in reply to JS_tone 13:24:53, 2013-02-11
- There is a new @KenModeNoise album? Thanks for the heads up @MetalIreland http://t.co/pZylZH1w 16:38:22, 2013-02-11
- @kenmodenoise well just hurry up with a UK tour
in reply to kenmodenoise 16:47:09, 2013-02-11
- @kenmodenoise I live in London, you'll be playing London, that's just how it works
in reply to kenmodenoise 16:48:08, 2013-02-11
- Any tickets on the door for tonight's @BitterRuin gig? Thought I bought them but no tickets at home or confirmation email in my archive
18:32:06, 2013-02-11
- @BitterRuin That is the plan, just can't believe I didn't buy tickets for the gig in reply to BitterRuin 19:57:01, 2013-02-11