- RT @elwell2000: Animated twitter avatars. Just Dont. Got that? Don't. Not looking at @uk_nes or anything. #Rant 11:21:01, 2013-03-07
- @elwell2000 no but that stupid avatar is driving me nuts, the QR code isn't even any use! in reply to elwell2000 11:26:23, 2013-03-07
- Whatever happened to the Reef announcement on Tuesday? @Stereoboard 14:41:27, 2013-03-07
- @stereoboard Cool to be fair I'd even be happy with a ThemIsMe show in reply to stereoboard 15:09:19, 2013-03-07
- GENIUS! RT: @DrEmilyCollins: Madness! MT @falkowata: Use your phone to turn spring water into Weight Loss Pills http://t.co/pNPRwoY495 17:24:39, 2013-03-07