The title’s for the benefit of my London dwelling pal Sean (I have your P60, don’t worry) but then I think he’s in Croydon and that’s London as much as Lusk is Dublin I hear 🙂
Been working too much lately tis pure bollocks. Have Thursday off and thinking of looking at some CSS for a small web project I’m considering doing. I think I know what I’m doing more or less but just need to work out how to set sections apart similar to tables or frames (something to do with the div element me thinks). Any help welcome (nudge, nudge, wink, wink Al 😉 but let me screw up lots first).
Al’s getting a Mac Mini as well now, we can be Apple buddies (except for that damn iPod Grrrrrr *shakes fist theatrically* ).
On another point going to see Paul D’ianno on Sunday so being listening to some Early Iron Maiden. Since I know it backwards though I’ve been listening mostly to the support acts’ stuff. They are Involution and Scavenger and they’re both really good on CD. Scavenger are real old school melodic metal with some great riffs et al. The CD is available from Sentinel , now with a handy Temple Bar presence. Involution are a bit Tool-esque but not ripping them off and a bit more straight ahead. I picked up their CD strangely enough in Glasgow even though they hail from Belfast. It too is probably in Sentinel. I’ll pick up the Scavenger CD at the gig I think as I’ve only got it on loan from Ken of the McGrath (a fully trained guerilla smurf, has ventured the furthest into Gargamel’s territory solo).
Enough for today!!!! I will return with more tales of my mundane life, like the time Red Dwarf never got released on time (meant to be the 21/02/05 i.e. last Monday) or when I saw some hardware for interfacing my turntable and my PC in work but it hadn’t been processed yet (they better get it done before I leave tomorrow want to get some of my vinyl on to MP3 Thursday).
Link Of The Day: no mention of Ken though, jealous bastards.
Later Days,
Just shout if you need help.. you know my numbers! :p