No news from that interview yet, wasn’t really expecting anything before tomorrow though so cross ’em if you’ve got ’em.
On other news Tori Amos IS playing Dublin this year. It is in Vicar Street on the 30th of May and tickets ARE ON SALE NOW, HURRY, HURRY. Sarah and I have ours safely booked, alright Giggedy Giggedy. It could make an interesting end to our trip to see Speedhorn in Glasgow and it seems were off to Paris to see her as well less than a week later. This sounds expensive I better get that job!
Also Slipknot have confirmed a June date (the 10th) in the RDS’s indoor arena Simmonscourt so actually that makes it like Speedhorn, Tori, Tori, Slipknot in the space of 12/11 days, SAWEET.
Tori in Paris is off Sarah has decided it’s too much and Vicar Street is gonna rock Paris off the planet anyway. But Speedhorn is 100% ON, booked flights and gig tickets just waiting on the accomodation to get back to me 🙂
Link Of The Day:
Mini Clip Bored? Games here!
Later Days,