An interesting day TWO job interviews organised for next week, kinda sweet. I won’t let on too much cause I’ll jinx them probably one would be Uber Cool but serious lack of pay :-/ and the other would suck my soul from my very being but it’d be a start away from HMV.
Got Luigi’s Mansion(preowned), Double Dash, a second (third party) joypad and a memory card for the GameCube today. Luigi’s mansion takes a lot of co-ordination with 2 analogue joysticks and a plethora of buttons and is not as enjoyable so far as Mario 64 was on the N64. Double Dash is another kettle of fish entirely it’s bloody wicked, played 1 Player Grand Prix, 2 Player Race and 2 Player battle, still got to play 2 PLayer Co-op but need to kick my brother’s ass at it a few more times 🙂
Had to change up the website again, bloody critics. It is still at I like it now and I may poke out someone’s eyes if they make any more “constructive” criticism like “I don’t like the colours”. Then bloody suggest one you poor excuse for a human. Oh if anyone visiting that site gets popups(I think there are some associated with the address) leave a comment here. With Firefox and Norton Internet security I’ve forgotten what a pop-up looks like!
Link Of The Day:
Redmonds an off licence in Rathmines that stocks all my favourite beers, will be stocking up there soon!
Later Days,
ahhh… frames (on TACS)… dont use em. confuses google! try css instead!
also, want to recommend Super Monkey Ball 2 on the GC. its rather excellent.