Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

Hey I now work on the Science Bus Looks like it will be fun. Been doing some research so looks like I’ll be teaching children for first time on Friday MWHAHA!
Also had a first interview for a job in old LahnDahn Tahn (London for those who don’t get the accent), twas over the phone and went quite well IMNSHO (In My Not So Humble Opinion), so fingers (sorta) crossed I’ll get to at least a second interview.
Went to see The Assassination Of Richard Nixon and it bored me close to tears. I’ve heard it described as a slow burner but feck me I just didn’t empathise with the character, which I should have. I understood his motivations, his failings, his thought process EVERYTHING but in the end I just didn’t care what happened to him. Spent most of the film hoping that he was about to commit suicide but he just refused to. On the other hand my girlfriend liked it, no accounting for taste, ya should see her boyfriend!

Link Of The Day:
Exploding Dog No I’m not sure either but it has NOTHING to do with exploding dogs.

Later Days,

p.s. for those not paying attention the titles for the last few posts are from tracks on the new Raging Speedhorn album, my titles are usually song titles, they just have a theme at the moment.


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