- LHC@home (http://lhcathome.cern.ch/) a volunteer computing project needs a new volunteer sys admin, know anyone who could be interested? #
- New photos on my Flickr now with more giant purple robot puppets – http://tr.im/da9h #
- So who is going to Lates @sciencemuseum tonight? Should be good craic, starts at 18.45, free entry and booze is available (not free) #
- RT @sciencemuseum #sciencelates tonight, remember to bring a brolly just in case it rains & you’re in a queue to get in! Doors 6.45pm #
- @jamieoliver08 is the real Jamie Oliver (tweets appear on his website) thanks @jackschofield #
- Listening to Natan’s debut album, stunning BM from Belgium #
- There’s a substantial queue for lates at the science museum, I could be in it for a while :-/ #
- Just bumped into one of the guys I went to college with, bit surreal #
- @mark_r I could use a few of them for sticking on the bibles in the hotel rooms I stay in … #