Ride The Tiger

Saw Dio last night, animal just fucking animal, brilliant gig. I only have Holy Diver which he plays in its entirity along with some Sabbath, Rainbow and assorted tunes but he’s a born entertainer. Class.
In other news I picked up two new official Joypads for my Gamecube as they were selling them off cheap in HMV. In that haul also was Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube it really is Super Mario 64 Part 2 and for the Gamecube but it is fun and well worth the money if you have a GC. I also got Advance Wars: Dual Strike for my DS. It’s a turn based war startegy game, which sounded interesting and it is kinda fun. On my last campaign, however, I was handed my ass on a plate by Black Hole’s forces and since that is still part of the training I’m not sure if I’m gonna take to this one as much as Another Code: Two Memories. But I have 3 weeks and if I don’t like I’ll bring it back and exchange it MarioKart for the DS could be out by then!
I mentioned Another Code so let me tell a story … In the game when you finish it once you can play through again but uncovering D’s memories. So I started this process and was over in Sarah’s cousin’s house and their kids wanted to see the DS so I tokk it out. One of them then proceeded to wipe my game so I had two choices start again or give up. Now there is at least 5 hours of realtime needed to complete the game when you know what you’re doing so to learn the second story would take 10 hours. That is why I now own Advance Wars :-/.
Right the old man is threatening to take away the internet here. Now I know it’s all bluster because he’s used it once tonight already and will use it later BUT I’ve decided to shop around and see can I get it cheaper. It costs us â?¬66.08(exc VAT and line rental) every two months. So my question to you out there is “Has anyone migrated from Eircom or generally got a better deal then Eircom?”. I know there has to be because Eircom are cunts. So any and all advice welcome. I’m off to surf around and see my options.

Later Days,


  1. Hey apparently my comment script has been a little jerky due to my over-zealous spam filters, they should be grand now!
    So comment away!

  2. I have NTL, I recommend it, if you can get it. I looked into the internet situation for a friend a few weeks back. Eircom DSL came top of my list… cause prices and speeds seem to be similar across the board, but Eircom was offering a free wifi modem.

  3. Damn you, that does appear to be the case will have a look at NTL I suppose.
    What ya think of the new theme?
    Spent ages faffing about with it so it now does what I want.

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