- Am confused as to why Twitter home page now looks like a bad RSS feed #
- Proof that some still don’t get Twitter – http://tr.im/gbuy #
- So Cyclefly are dead and Hueman are dead so long live Mako? http://tr.im/gbwy of interest to @blogtackular at least #
- OK worked out what was wrong, my Twitter profile was set to display in mobile view, how did that happen? #
- Just had the most amazing sausage roll on northcote in clapham #
- But a pretty meh brownie from Deli Desserts, can’t win ’em all #
- My bus just broke down, brilliant, Just have to wait for the next one #
- @blogtackular makes two of us, just decided to Google Cyclefly after iTunes played a track off crave and their site linked to Mako #
- Just been on the twitter section of getsatisfaction, ugh … #