- New Heaven and Hell (or Black Sabbath if you prefer) album out in April wahey http://tr.im/gmxa #
- RT @tpb 50% of Charges Against Pirate Bay Dropped There has been high drama on the 2nd day of the Pirate Bay trial http://tinyurl.com/bynhss #
- RT @jackschofield The Science of ReTweets by @DanZarrella http://bit.ly/9OCZa (via @crobinuk ) really interesting IMO #
- RT @gridtalk @EnablingGrids have released the media pack for their User Forum next month, some interesting applications – http://tr.im/gnoa #
- Hint: If you ring me and hide your phone number then I won’t be picking up, leave a message, I will get back to you if it’s important #
- Because I have just been asked my twitter icon is blacked out on purpose here’s why – http://tr.im/goxf retweet/follow suit if you wish #
- @kbri86 The answer is C #
- Oh yeah my Iron Maiden Fan Club T-shirt turned up today, a limited edition re-subscription gift, will be sporting it tomorrow 🙂 #
- Well @treznor and Nine Inch Nails will quit after this year’s tour he says “it’s time to make NIN disappear for a while” better be a UK tour #
- A forum I used to frequent is currently imploding, maybe it will survive in the long term and come out stronger :-/ ah well it was fun w … #