It’s what day now?

Apparently it’s Friday :-/. I’ve done 3 nights now and have 2 more to go. They’re OK, don’t get much time to my self though. See how my timetable plays out:
Start work: 6pm
Finish work:6am
Arrive home + Straight to bed: Between 7 & 7:20
Get up: 2:30pm
Leave House: 4pm(have to leave this early so I’m in for 6)
And repeat …

So as you can see with 12hrs in work, 7.5 hours of sleep and 3 hours travelling(because the train/bus times are so crap) I’m left with an hour and a half at home.
As you can then expect I have little or nothing to report. Picked up the Viking Skull album recently along with an Atari Teenage Riot odds & sods collection and an all star tribute to Iron Maiden. They haven’t worked their magic yet. I’ll get back to you.
I’ve also been trying to mess around with my comments page so that people posting one get an avatar but I can’t get it to work I can get the avatars to appear or the comment but not both. I need to get this into my comments.php page but it just won’t do it:

< ?php foreach ($comments as $comment) : if (function_exists('gravatar')) { if ('' != get_comment_author_url()) { echo "“;
echo “comment_type) {
echo gravatar($comment->comment_author_email);
} elseif ( (‘trackback’ == $comment->comment_type) || (‘pingback’ == $comment->comment_type) ) {
echo gravatar($comment->comment_author_url);
echo “‘ alt=’a gravatar’ class=’gravatar’ />

Any help appreciated.

Link Of The Day:
Skippy The guy who wrote the plugin I’m trying to use above.

Later Days,


  1. Depending on where I add it, I either get the code appearing in the post doing nowt or various Parsing errors with unexpected/expected things missing. Tis bollocks!

  2. Just looking at what the comments above, there is a “?>” showing…. so by the looks of things you might be closing the php tags either too early or too late, or maybe not at all. If you want you can email me the file that causes the error.

    What have you being paid for these night shifts? I remember being promised triple time for evening shifts, but only got time and a half cause that’s what’s in my contract….

  3. Yeah it’s just time and a half for all of us and that’s only after midnight. Sure a change is a good as a rest so I’ll get fat paid and it’s different than just working on the floor.

    Got the avatars to work eventually, have not actioned it cause the layout looked cack need to look at the CSS and make them look nice. Also the avatar wasn’t staying constant for each commentator during each “conversation” so may have to set a default avatar for people without a gravatar who are not me 🙂

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