- The latest European Space Agency launch (with the Herschel and Planck satellites) can be seen live here http://tr.im/ljGG at 14:12 BST today #
- Mastodon tickets arrived, they’re meant to be playing Crack The Skye in it entirety at the gig 🙂 #
- @deburcaa Sounds good, I have a gig later in the evening but can meet early enough, when you around? #
- Got a very interesting/useful email regarding a side project, think the others will be well happy when they see it 😀 #
- Having bought the “ultimate” version of the new Green Day album my download link has appeared, won’t work till 12.01, not uber excited #
- @Daffydil She’s technically got a day left, technically, it’d be nice to see her for lunch #
- Just got a refund on that Zig and Zag video, apparently they didn’t have in it stock 🙁 personnally I think that’s BS, just not selling … #