- Sciencewise – working with scientists & the public to influence government policy on synthetic biology #scc2009 #
- Science Alliance Cymru (@ScienceCymru), a networking group for science communicators in Wales #scc2009 #
- @AnuraPasseridae Tried to get tickets but no confirmation yet from SRO
- RT (again a paper tweet) @alisonmacleod I’m coming up with the ultimate framework for evaluating public engagement collaborations #scc2009 #
- Explore the universe from school at http://www.schoolsobservatory.org.uk/ #scc2009 #
- Genedome: Genetics in a planetarium. Working on a collaboration between scientists, schools, animators and a science centre #scc2009 #
- Engineering Materials Summer School: Manchester, 29 June to 2 July. Build stuff, test stuff, break stuff, be an engineer #scc2009 #
- RT @trink_uk http://bit.ly/GJwtF The Telegraph making stuff up, Original article http://bit.ly/3XK7db New Version http://is.gd/1d2do #
- RT @CERN CERN is awarded environmental label:http://tr.im/pJKd #
- Just saw Sir Harold Kroto speak in QMUL, just as brilliant as the last time in 2002
- At Imperial Leisure in Dingwalls, lack lustre start to be honest #