Tweets from 2009-10-27

  • Waiting for a phone meeting to start and someone is either a heavy breather or is slowly eating their phone (they should have a mute button) #
  • According to The Irish Times (and Rona McGreevy) Brian Tatler (of Deep Purple) has found a new career playing for Machine Head *facepalm* #
  • Just at a great seminar given by Jim Al Khalili and going to a talk given by Simon Singh this evening, busy Sci Comm day 🙂 #
  • Woo and Hoo RT @CERN Particles are back in the LHC! 🙂 #
  • RT @uaf Here's the full results of that YouGov poll into levels of BNP support: (PDF) #
  • Anyone else got Twitter Lists enabled on their a/c, it's interesting but I want to use it on a work a/c but they haven't got it yet :-/ #
  • What the hell is a briefcase in a Windows XP sense and why have I only seen it as a feature now? #

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