Went to Mendeed in Camden Underworld last night and here is my little review.
13/01/06 – Camden Undreworld, London
Support: Sanctotorum, Kingsize Blues, Interlock
First time in the underworld. Nice venue small about the size of the TBMC I’d say in capacity terms. When I got there the Arch Enemy/At The Gates Influenced Sanctotorum were just onstage. They had a few fans and they definitely were fun, nice solos and heavy vocals wasn’t bored but not the most exciting I’ve seen either.
Afterwards a band that even I’ve seen the name of KingSize Blues seemingly the perrenial support band but with a lot of support at this gig. They did straight metalcore leaning towards NYHC more than anything. They were actually very entertaining and would definitely try to catch them the next time as a support act or if I get my hands on some tunes maybe as headliners. They are on the Crowbar/Will Haven tour so watch this space.
Interlock were next OK lets say what they had:
Dual Vocalist.
Female Vocalist in corset doing growly and singing vocals.
Cute female bassist in short skirt and fishnet tights.
Male vocalist with pentagram tattoo and black contact lens.
That is all. Sound was shit, songs were crap, band was obviously a marketing man’s dream but except for the eye candy I was bored out of my tits.
So eventually the headliners Mendeed. All I can say is if you like this sort of thing you will love Mendeed. They are one of Britains best extreme metal bands out there. The tunes were great with blast beats, intricate guitar solos and a fucking great stage presence. Check these guys out soon. They even impressed so much on the last Dragonforce tour that one of their number turned up to see them. Catch them at your local dive.
Later Days,
Will let you plug GC into your iMac
Thanks that looks well cool and saves me the bother of dragging a TV across St George’s Channel 🙂